Why we're #1
- Consistently high graduation rate
- Oldest High School Talented and Gifted (TAG) Program in Oregon
- AP and CollegeNow programs in: Biology, Calculus, Pre-Calculus, College Writing, Electrical Pre-Apprenticeship, English, Health Occupations, Human Body Systems, Math 95, Pre-Calculus, AP U.S. History, AP Government. 52% of PHHS students earn at least 9 college credits in high school.
- CTE Plan Course of Study in Agriculture and Medical Field
- Safe School Environment—Exemplary Positive Behavior Intervention & Support (PBIS) programs
Successful Athletic and Activity program
- Regular play-off participants in most sports
- State Baseball Champions in 2013
- State Track Champions in 2018
- State Band Champions in 2012 & 2016
- Robotics Champions in 2012, 2014, 2015 & 2016
- State Chess Champions in 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 & 2016
- State Cheerleading Champions in 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 & 2015
- Destination Imagination—national and international competitors – went to Global Finals in 2014!
- Pleasant Hill Jazz Festival
PH Community’s Care and Concern for Education
- PH Education Foundation
- PH Boosters
- PH Education Organization (PHEO)
- Two privately funded facilities - Field Turf and Track and PH Community Center
Strong Family Engagement Opportunities at our Elementary
- Open House
- Family PE Nights
- 3rd Grade Living Museum Exhibit
- 5th Grade Winter Concert
- K-4 Spring Concerts
History of Pleasant Hill Schools
In 1846, Elijah Bristow was the first of four immigrants to settle in this still unincorporated community. In 1847, he built a cabin to be both a church and a school, and it became the first school in Lane County. Our school has grown and changed throughout the years and we now serve students and families residing in the Pleasant Hill, Dexter, Jasper, Trent and Goshen areas.
Our schools now educate around 1000 students. We enjoy joint efforts on the parts of parents, teachers and students to make learning happen, create success and make our community a place people want to be a part of because good things that continue to be achieved.
For a detailed account of how we got to this point of excellence-- from the earliest days of Lane County, including the journeys of Pleasant Hill founder Elijah Bristow and his friend Eugene Skinner -- Read more about the History of Pleasant Hill.