School Health Advisory Committee
What is the School Health Advisory Committee?
This group focuses on student, staff and community related health issues.
We serve as the District's Wellness Committee and review and recommend health related curriculum.
All meetings are open to the public and we welcome your input.
Please contact Beth McCool at for more information.
- 2023-24 Meeting Minutes & Agendas
- Past Meeting Minutes & Agendas
- Health & Mental Health Resources
- Other Resources
2023-24 Meeting Minutes & Agendas
- April 16, 2024 - Meeting Minutes
- April 16, 2024 - Agenda
- January 23, 2024 - Meeting Minutes
- January 23, 2024 - Agenda
- November 28, 2023 - Meeting Minutes
- November 28, 2023 - Agenda
- October 24, 2023 - Meeting Minutes
- October 24, 2023 - Agenda
- September 26, 2023 - Meeting Minutes
- September 26, 2023 - Agenda
April 16, 2024 - Meeting Minutes
SHAC Meeting Minutes
Online or in-person HS rm 6
Welcome! Thank you for joining us today! Attendance: Caitlin Olinger, Tressa Geyer, Paul Kaplan, Beth McCool, Nicola Shaddon, Devery Stoneberg, Jessica Wolpe, Chris Reiersgaard, Katie Jensen, Susie Williams, Whitney Connolly
District-Wide Health information update
-Jim and Katie both shared there was no widespread or unusual illness to report.
SHAC funds
$1000 was used to contribute to the cost of the new drinking station at the HS track.
$500 was approved today (thank you DO for the extension) to be used for sound equipment/”boom box” to be used by the Kindness Squad and other staff at both buildings to greet students enthusiastically, promote unity and fun in the mornings, after school, lunch and other events. Beth will create the PO and Nicola will purchase items.
Updates from February meeting minutes
-Lunch Time Activities: Reported that things are going well in both buildings at lunch, it has helped to have better weather. Caitlin and Tressa reported that the HS students continue to use the Ping Pong table during this time successfully.
-Care & Connection Tools “Handle with Care” : Reminder that we should continue to share with families at home that it is helpful to let staff know a student might have an “off” day (handle with care) without a detailed explanation or sharing what they feel comfortable with to help support the students and families during tough times. Reminders can be sent home in newsletters/emails
-Paul shared about a school program, The Wireless Panic Alarm Grant that offers funds to help provide an “emergency buzzer” in schools and classrooms. He shared a link for us to look into it further to see if the district would be interested.
-SHAC for school year 24/25 was briefly discussed. All agreed that the committee is important and we should still meet when we are needed and have agenda items. We will open the year with a meeting in the fall to get us started. Tressa reminded us that she would be graduating and would need a replacement next year. She suggested that we have a recruiting meeting during lunch with pizza at the beginning of the year to find a few more students who would be interested in serving on the committee.
April 16, 2024 - Agenda
To join the video meeting, click this link:
Otherwise, to join by phone, dial +1 513-818-1566 and enter this PIN: 969 921 402#
District-wide Health information
Updates from meeting minutes: Lunch time activities, Kindness promotion
SHAC funds
Care & Connection Tools “Handle with Care”
January 23, 2024 - Meeting Minutes
SHAC Meeting Minutes
Online or in-person HS rm 6
Welcome! Thank you for joining us today! Attendance: Caitlin Olinger, Jim Crist, Tressa Geyer, Beth McCool, Nicola Shaddon, Stephanie Black
District-Wide Health information update
-District staff are currently assessing the needs of our students and their families due to the power outages and helping where we can.
Updates from 11/28/23 meeting
-SHAC fund: $1000 was used to contribute to the cost of the new drinking station at the HS track. Installation will start soon. This leaves a balance of $500.
-Preparing for Breaks and Transitions With Care and Connection resource link that was discussed at our November meeting was shared with staff district wide in December before the break.
-Student Voice Group at the high school, a small group to discuss and promote positive mental health, is in the works.
District Newsletter article
-The committee took the time to construct a short article to be shared in the winter district newsletter. Thank you!
Care & Connection tools; create ways to utilize any of the tools:
students-and-family/mental- health/Pages/Care-and- Connection.aspx
Tabled discussion on useful tools; “Handle with Care” cards, etc.
Lunch time activities update
More time is still needed to survey students, look over possible EA lunch coverage areas, HS student council suggestions, etc.
-The ping pong table and equipment has been set up in the HS Student Center with signs posted for guidelines/rules.
-Suggestions: Karaoke or Dance Dance Revolution days for students Teach line dancing or other styles of dancing. Give students activities to have fun and be active during the lunch time.
-Currently working with Dan Smith at PH Baptist church and HS staff, to provide a few activities for HS lunch time in the Spring. HS students currently drive to their parking lot at lunch and connect with them there.
Free Sucide prevention/connection trainings:
Darlene Baker shared information on the following trainings:
-Connect Postvention Feb. 2nd
-ASIST training Feb. 20-21st
See attached fliers for more information.
Promote Kindness:
-Nicola shared information about the great things the 5th grade Kindness Squad is doing at the elementary school. Stephanie Black is helping promote school-wide using the Character Strong/ Second Steps curriculum lessons. Discussion about SHAC helping support that group was shared.
-Middle School Kindness Club started up this year for 6th, 7th and 8th graders. Students meet twice a month. They have shared random acts of kindness and posted short messages around the school to promote kindness.
-We had a discussion about having a kindness section in the newspaper. Beth will talk with publications about adding a “Caught being kind..” blurb in the Billie News. A short note celebrating ways students have been kind ie. HS Soccer team shared pizza with LaPine team, survey class has been helping teachers with tasks, kind notes have been posted around the school, etc
-Jim reminded us that Feb. 5th-9th is National School Counseling Week. We appreciate all that our counselors do for our students and staff! Thank you!
Next meeting: Tuesday, February 20th at 4:00 in HS rm 6 or online. Please email bmccool with any questions or additions to the next meeting agenda.
January 23, 2024 - Agenda
Meeting: Tuesday, January, 23rd 4:00 at HS rm 6 or online. Please email bmccool with any questions or additions to the next meeting agenda.
To join the video meeting, click this link:
Otherwise, to join by phone, dial +1 513-818-1566 and enter this PIN: 969 921 402#
District-wide Health information
Updates from meeting minutes
Care and Connection tools; create way to utilize any of the tools, ie. “Handle with Care” note
District newsletter input, write the article.
November 28, 2023 - Meeting Minutes
SHAC Meeting Minutes
Online or in-person HS rm 6
Welcome! Introductions Thank you for joining us today! Attendance: Caitlin Olinger, Paul Kaplan, Nicola Shaddon, Tressa Geyer, Beth McCool, Nicola Shaddon, Caleb Salmond, Garth Gerot, Whitney Connolly
District-Wide Health information update
No new information to be presented.
SHAC Fund Request
The district has been researching ideas to fix the water fountain at the track/field facility for the past year. The current water fountain will require excavation to fix the leak. After research, they have decided to turn the fountain off permanently and install a water/fill station similar to what was installed at the elementary school last year (SHAC helped fund). Estimated total project cost is $9,000.
After discussion, SHAC voted to contribute $1000 of the SHAC funds for this project leaving $500 in the fund for other needs. (District maintenance budget would cover the difference). It was stated that if there was not a need for the remaining $500 by March, the funds would be applied to the water/filling station project.
22/23 Oregon Student Health Survey Data results
Meggan Raschio read over the survey data and shared her thoughts in an email. The committee had some questions and it was decided to table the discussion until our next meeting after more survey summary data could be viewed. Beth and Caleb will further investigate the presentation of the data to determine if it can be shared with the group.
Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Health ideas update
Website Update from Jim (email):
Our change a few years back was to a web developer named FinalSite. I met with our FinalSite contact and we discussed services that are available that we might not be taking advantage of at this time. In addition, they completed a web software audit for us that showed we were using our available modules well. They scored us a 9/10 and stated that there is room to grow with regard to mass communications and a parent portal. I will be working with our school board and district office staff this coming spring to identify what areas we can support growth in.
Jim shared the following resources:
This website link below has links to flyers, graphics and a toolkit all specific to Care and Connection. Lengthy discussion how some of the resources could be used in our schools and interest in investigating more and utilizing some of the tools. High interest in the “Handle with Care” note/tool and a discussion about how we could implement the use. Do we need admin. approval to use? Create a plan to share with staff at our next meeting if we have the okay.
This link is a resource of tools and activities for before and after breaks. Due to the time constraints , less than 3 weeks before the December winter break, the committee is recommending to share this resource to PH Staff this week to read and utilize any of the tools/suggestions to help students and families before and after the winter break.
Lunch time activities update: More time is needed to survey students, look over possible EA lunch coverage areas, etc. A suggestion was made to utilize the ping pong table for both MS and HS lunch time. Find other areas where students can be inside during the winter months when it is colder.
District Newsletter article: Tabled to the next meeting when we have a date and possibly more info about the district website and any changes to share.
Student Voice group: Garth was excited to share that a HS student mental health group has started to meet regularly stemming from the Student Voice work that has been done. He invited a guest speaker from ESD to share with the group this week. He will keep us updated.
Discussion about a “home” for the exercise bike that was purchased for staff use with SHAC funds (5-6 years ago). The bike has been moved into a classroom (rm 6) due to the lack of space, no staff room at the HS. It was agreed that a few would look into some other possible spots where it could get more use, by more people. (trainers storage room area, a spot in the gym area? Rehabilitate injured athletes and students who can not participate in PE due to injury)
Next meeting: Tuesday, January 23rd 4:00 in HS rm 6 or online. Please email bmccool with any questions or additions to the next meeting agenda.
November 28, 2023 - Agenda
To join the video meeting, click this link:
Otherwise, to join by phone, dial +1 513-818-1566 and enter this PIN: 969 921 402#
- District-wide Health information
- Fund Request for Water Filling Station out on the track
- 22/23 Oregon Student Health Survey Data results- Meggan
- Social Emotional Learning Health update (marketing ideas, status of the website, newsletter article volunteers)
- Other
October 24, 2023 - Meeting Minutes
SHAC Meeting Minutes
Online or in-person HS rm 6
Welcome! Introductions Thank you for joining us today! Attendance: Caitlin Olinger, Paul Kaplan, Katie Jensen, Darlene Baker, Beth McCool, Jessica Wolpe, Stephanie Black Jim Crist, , Devery Stoneberg, Caleb Salmond
District-Wide Health information update
Both Katie and Jim shared illness and absenteeism was not out of the ordinary for this time of the year with nothing further to report.
Middle School/High School YouthTruth Student Survey update
Caleb shared the data results from the survey, a survey tool created by A National Nonprofit. Sections of the data were used to create a lesson that allowed both middle and high school students to view the results and give feedback. Slides were created and shared using the data from the questions with a community/inclusion theme. Students were then asked to write down actions they think the school should continue doing, new ideas to help promote community and actions that they think need to stop now.
Middle school/high school students and staff had a positive reaction and feedback to the activity. The written feedback produced in each class will now be compiled by the counselors to be evaluated by staff and shared with action plan.
There is a plan in place to use more of the data results with student feedback in the future.
22/23 Oregon Student Health Survey Data results
This agenda item was tabled to the next meeting when we are able to look over the survey result data.
Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Health ideas update
After brainstorming many ideas to help promote healthy SEL in our last SHAC meeting, we focused on “marketing”, getting the word out about what is happening around SEL and resources the community can access for help. Ideas and information shared:
Stephanie, elementary school counselor, shared about the coordinated efforts of the district counselors' progress. They meet regularly to share ideas and coordinate their efforts to create resource links, learn new material and support each other. They have created a “Counseling” tab on the district website for the public to access for counseling updates and resources. They will be attending a conference next Friday to learn about more tools and resources to share with our staff and students.
Devery suggested they create a “Counseling Corner” on the District Newsletter to share “what is happening” and resource links.
Jim will talk with our District Website host to see if we can rearrange some tabs and have the resource links more accessible and easy to find, including the Suicide Prevention Coalition of Lane County, https://www. Darlene shared that this would give our community easy access to a link that is always being updated and a quick place to go if a person needs help. -
We were reminded of the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline. Caitlin shared that all student Chromebooks have a sticker placed next to the mouse pad that states “You Matter 988 Suiced & Crisis Lifeline”
SHAC would like to get more information out in the monthly newsletters from each building and the district quarterly newsletter. The more information we can share the better. One bit of information we can share in the January newsletter will be the change, hopefully, in the district website with new and easier links for help. Beth requested help on this marketing tool , if someone would like to volunteer to write the “blurb”/article that will be published (or a couple of people), that would be great.
More inclusive activities at lunch. Caitlin offered to bring up the topic at the next High School Student Council meeting and try to access a previous survey that asked students what activities they would be interested in at lunch. MS will ask for suggestions at the next character strong session on Monday.
Paul inquired about the district's access to Naloxone (Narcan). Katie reported that the district had 4 Naloxone nasal spray kits around the district that can be accessed by an adult in a building. She checks on them monthly and staff participated in a training last spring on the usage and administration of the opiate antagonists. Naloxone is now offered to the public without a prescription and an important safety tool to have access to for our students. SHAC encourages the use and knowledge of its accessibility to our students on campus to be taught in the Health classes, especially at the high school level. Thank you Katie, district nurse, for implementation and upkeep of this important safety component for our district.
Next meeting: Tuesday, November 28th 4:00 at HS rm 6 or online. Please email with any questions or additions to the next meeting agenda.
October 24, 2023 - Agenda
To join the video meeting, click this link:
Otherwise, to join by phone, dial +1 513-818-1566 and enter this PIN: 969 921 402#
Please let me know if you have anything to add to our agenda...
District-wide Health information
MS/HS School generated survey data results- Garth/Caleb
22/23 Oregon Student Health Survey Data results- Meggan
Social Emotional Health ideas update, moving forward
September 26, 2023 - Meeting Minutes
SHAC Meeting Minutes
Online or in-person HS rm 6
Welcome! Introductions Thank you for joining us today! Attendance: Caitlin Olinger, Paul Kaplan, Nicola Shddon, Katie Jensen, Beth McCool, Jessica Wolpe, Garth Gerot, Jim Crist, , Devery Stoneberg, Caleb Salmond
Mission Statement:
The Mission of Pleasant Hill School Health Advisory Committee (SHAC) is to promote physical and mental health throughout the Pleasant Hill School district community.
Jim Crist brought up the idea for SHAC to help promote Social Emotional Health in our schools and community. The committee favored the idea and had a healthy discussion.
-Elementary is successfully using Second Step Curriculum k-5. Second Step employs a holistic approach to social-emotional learning. The program is taught by the counselor, Stephanie Black, and supported school-wide by staff in numerous ways.
-Middle school/High School grades 6th-9th have started using Character Strong Curriculum in a core class. CharacterStrong provides research-based social & emotional learning curricula and professional learning services that positively impact lives. The program focuses on character development and SEL competencies such as self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making. This is the first year of implementation and teachers are working with the counselors and administrators to teach and develop the program outside of the classroom.
Brainstorming ideas that expand on the two programs currently being used in the schools:
-Run a district-wide and/or school-wide campaign to support social emotional learning (SEL) traits; poster contest, slide on the projection, skit or ad in announcements, PBIS emphasis with Billie Bucks, etc (I’m sure I missed some, there were many great ideas flying around in the meeting)
-School wide guest speaker assembly or speaker during half-time at a Varsity basketball game. TEEN Truth assembly possibility
-TV Monitor/Projection in the Gym foyer entrance to run slides through promoting character traits or theme for the month, student made slides, publications ?
-Take advantage of school wide events where parents are invited to promote the character trait/campaign. Ie. music concerts, sporting events, parent nights, etc.
-Promote relationship building with parents and community by displaying student produced projects at big events when the community is already invited (those mentioned above, concerts, sporting events, etc) Nicola mentioned how nice it was to connect with parents, students and teachers at the FFA meeting Monday 9/25 night and we all would love to see more opportunities for those connections.
-Create infomercials
-Use current materials offered for some of the themes for each month. For example in the month of October…Depression Awareness month, National Bullying Prevention Month, National Depression and Mental Health Screening Month or depression awareness month, etc
-Theme for middle school dance relates to character dare in program
-Talk more about the Sources of Strength program in the MS/HS after Character Strong is up and running.
-Paul Kaplan voiced the idea of SHAC staying “in the loop” when health issues or health information were brought up in the school board meetings or district wide. A possible short report at the beginning of each SHAC meeting.?? Jim shared, impromptu, data from CareSolace: the top current searches: anxiety, trauma, depression, ADHD and disruptive behavior. Katie, district nurse, indicated that now that things are more back to “normal” after COVID, common health issues/illness data is not collected or required for a report. Jim indicated that he will report any health related information that he gets when he can.
-Jim has shared SHAC information with school board members and we are still seeking for a board member to join SHAC now that Wylda Cafferata has stepped down. He will ask again.
Next meeting: Tuesday, October 24th 4:00 at HS rm 6 or online.
District-wide Health information
MS/HS School generated survey data results- Garth/Caleb
22/23 Oregon Student Health Survey Data results- Meggan
Social Emotional Health ideas update, moving forward
September 26, 2023 - Agenda
To join the video meeting, click this link:
Otherwise, to join by phone, dial +1 513-818-1566 and enter this PIN: 969 921 402#
1. Welcome/Introduction
2. 2023/2024 Planning/goals
3. Other
Please respond with any questions or more information or addition to the agenda.
We look forward to seeing you! Beth
Intro SHAC 2023 Slideshow:
Past Meeting Minutes & Agendas
- May 16, 2023 - Meeting Minutes
- May 16, 2023 - Agenda
- April 18, 2023 - Meeting Minutes
- April 18, 2023 - Agenda
- March 14, 2023 - Meeting Minutes
- March 14, 2023 - Agenda
- February 21, 2023 - Meeting Minutes
- February 21, 2023 - Agenda
- January 17, 2023 - Meeting Minutes
- January 17, 2023 - Agenda
- November 15, 2022 - Meeting Minutes
- November 15, 2022 - Agenda
- October 11, 2022 - Meeting Minutes
- October 11, 2022 - Agenda
- September 27, 2022 - Meeting Minutes
- September 27, 2022 - Agenda
May 16, 2023 - Meeting Minutes
SHAC Meeting Minutes
Online or in-person HS rm 6
Welcome! Introductions : Thank you for joining us today! Attendance: Caitlin Olinger, Paul Kaplan, Tressa Geyer, Beth McCool, Wylda Cafferata, Garth Gerot
We went through the attached slideshow responding to questions and explaining the history of SHAC and the possibilities moving forward with this committee. “We are here for the students and we are very excited to have student representation with Tressa and Caitlin’s involvement today and their inquiring minds”.
The slideshow covered the following topics:
presentation/d/ 1oexsl5EZinw87KvIHPN7kRGP2ib3I dF6K8PMTkGYelY/edit?usp= sharing
A. Mission Statement:
The Mission of Pleasant Hill School Health Advisory Committee (SHAC) is to promote physical and mental health throughout the Pleasant Hill School district community.
B. What is SHAC?
C. Who?
D. Commitment
E. Q and A
F. Next Steps..
Other - Please pass on these minutes/sideshow to anyone who might be interested in this committee. Our next meeting will be determined by the committee in the Fall. An email will be sent out in August to set up our first SHAC meeting for the 2023/2024 school year.
Thank you SHAC team for your commitment to Health and sharing your time and energy with PH students! Have a terrific Summer!! ☼
May 16, 2023 - Agenda
SHAC Meeting
Online or in-person HS rm 6
To join the video meeting, click this link:
Otherwise, to join by phone, dial +1 513-818-1566 and enter this PIN: 969 921 402#
Welcome! Introductions
Mission Statement:
The Mission of Pleasant Hill School Health Advisory Committee (SHAC) is to promote physical and mental health throughout the Pleasant Hill School district community.
What is SHAC?
Q and A
Next Steps..
Please contact me with any questions or additions to the agenda.
See you Tuesday!
Beth McCool
April 18, 2023 - Meeting Minutes
SHAC Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, 4/18/23 at 4:00 pm
Attendance: Wylda Cafferata, Beth McCool and Paul Kaplan
Recruitment Update-
-Garth reached out to teachers for student representative recommendations this past month
-Nicola attended the elementary PTO meeting to reach out to parents in the community that might be interested in hearing more information and attending the May 16th meeting. There was some interest.
-Beth reached out to past SHAC members through email and heard back from a few who are interested in actively participating.
Plan May 16th meeting:
Continue to reach out to specific groups/people to invite them to the May SHAC meeting to see if they would be interested in participating on the committee in 2023/2024.
Invite interested people to the SHAC meeting Tuesday, May 16th at 5:00. They can attend the meeting in person at the High School in room 6 or online using the link below (same as on meeting reminder emails):
To join the video meeting, click this link:
Otherwise, to join by phone, dial +1 513-818-1566 and enter this PIN: 969 921 402#
May 16th Meeting Agenda
*Beth will create a slideshow with titles and info to guide through the meeting with the following information/subtitles:
Share mission statement:
The Mission of Pleasant Hill School Health Advisory Committee (SHAC) is to promote physical and mental health throughout the Pleasant Hill School district community.
What is SHAC?
The minimum SHAC team should include:
Board member
Teacher from each grade level
Parent of a student from each grade level
Health Care professionals
High School Student Representative
SHAC Coordinator
Q & A
Next steps
Other -
Feedback from PTO meeting: They loved the idea of a fall wellness kick off event. Some seemed interested in helping with that. Other feedback they provided me was around the idea of “investing in some of the outdoor facilities, beyond the tennis courts. So many student athletes k-12, and not enough space for them to practice. Field space that could be improved with a little maintenance, includes beyond the softball fields, to the far left and right. And maintained outdoor bathroom availability. Partnering SHAC with foundation, boosters, and PTO could be an avenue.”
NEXT SHAC MEETING: TUESDAY, May 16th at 5:00 in HS Rm 6 and virtually.
April 18, 2023 - Agenda
We hope to see you at the SHAC meeting this Tuesday at 4:00 in room 6 at the HS (first hall) or virtually with the google meet link.
To join the video meeting, click this link:
Otherwise, to join by phone, dial +1 513-818-1566 and enter this PIN: 969 921 402#
1. Update on recruitment
2. Plan May 16th Meeting
3. Other
March 14, 2023 - Meeting Minutes
SHAC Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, 3/14/23 at 4:00 pm
Attendance: Wylda Cafferata, Beth McCool, , Nicola Shaddon, Jim Crist, Paul Kaplan, Garth Gerot, Caleb Salmond
Final funding update
Goal: Spend SHAC Funds wisely to promote social, mental, and physical wellness.
Account update:
Starting balance: $3000.00
Picnic table supplies: ($115.73)
Outdoor court bench &
Table supplies ($284.27)
Drinking Station at ($2540)
4/ 5 Commons at elem
Children Masks (60.00)
Balance 3/14/23 $0.00
SHAC is requesting the budget committee to continue to fund SHAC $1500 for student and staff Wellness actions for the 2023/2024 school year. Thank you!
Action Plan for member recruitment
It was decided that the revitalization of SHAC with increased membership would start now!
Current members will reach out to specific groups/people to invite them to the May SHAC meeting, Tuesday, May 16th, to see if they would be interested in participating on the committee in 2023/2024.
The minimum SHAC team should include:
Board member
Teacher from each grade level
Parent of a student from each grade level
Health Care professionals
High School Student Representative
SHAC Coordinator
Nicola offered to talk with PTO at their April meeting to recruit, Garth will reach out to HS students for a rep, Beth will send out information in MS weekly email and HS announcements for more parent/health professional recruitment, Wylda will reach out to School Board members and if any administrators can reach out to teachers in their building, that would be helpful. Beth will also reach out to past members (email list) to see if there is a renewed interest to participate.
Some info that can be share when reaching out:
SHAC Mission: To promote and support student and staff Social/Emotional/Physical Health;Wellness
In the past, SHAC has responded to the health needs of our students and staff by providing student and parent health education with workshops, speakers, health curriculum review, Wellness Conference participation and grant writing to fund a Wellness Program. SHAC has helped create healthy environments for our students and community by supplying exercise equipment, outside sports equipment and drinking stations around the grounds. The committee reviews the Oregon Student Health Survey data and responds with an action to help “red flag” areas and applaud what the district is doing well. SHAC has also responded to immediate needs during the pandemic and when we had a death of a staff member and a student.
SHAC is looking forward to spending some time in the fall on long-term planning to promote healthy social/emotional/physical habits of students and staff. Brainstorming ideas around nutrition, a Community Health Fair, health campaigns in the schools, etc.
Invite interested people to the SHAC meeting Tuesday, May 16th at 5:00. They can attend the meeting in person at the High School in room 6 or online using the link below (same as on meeting reminder emails):
To join the video meeting, click this link:
Otherwise, to join by phone, dial +1 513-818-1566 and enter this PIN: 969 921 402#
Brainstorm Activities for 2023/2024
Ideas shared so far: "Health tips" column in the District Newsletter, a "vegetable of the month" with recipes etc. for the lunch program, perhaps extra credit for trying the recipe/s at home, (celery & peanut butter with raisins: ants on a log), our community event (race, walk etc.), a health fair, those hats for lunch buddies, more work around mental health, etc.
Other - none
NEXT SHAC MEETING: TUESDAY, April 18th at 4:00 in HS Rm 6 and virtually.
March 14, 2023 - Agenda
We hope to see you at the SHAC meeting this Tuesday at 4:00 in room 6 at the HS (first hall) or virtually with the google meet link.
To join the video meeting, click this link:
Otherwise, to join by phone, dial +1 513-818-1566 and enter this PIN: 969 921 402#
Agenda ...please let me know of any additions
1. Funding update
2. Action Plan for member recruitment
3. Brainstorm Activities for 2023/2024
Ideas shared so far: "Health tips" column in the District Newsletter, a "vegetable of the month" with recipes etc. for the lunch program, perhaps extra credit for trying the recipe/s at home, (celery & peanut butter with raisins: ants on a log), our community event (race, walk etc.), a health fair, those hats for lunch buddies, more work around mental health, etc.
4. Other
February 21, 2023 - Meeting Minutes
SHAC Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, 2/21/23 at 4:00 pm
Attendance: Wylda Cafferata, Beth McCool, , Meggan Raschio, Jim Crist
*Thank you Wylda for writing the article for the district newsletter!
Funding request update
Goal: Spend SHAC Funds wisely to promote social, mental, and physical wellness.
Account update:
Starting balance: $3000.00
Picnic table supplies: ($115.73)
Outdoor court bench &
Table supplies ($284.27)
Balance 2/21/23 $2600.00
Funds have been requested for the following items:
-Masks for elementary school age children
-Help to fund repairs for drinking water at the track? (water line is broken)
-Funds to add a drinking station in the 4th/5th grade commons area for all students to use
*A motion was made to authorize a $2300 contribution for the drinking water station installation for the elementary school in the 4th/5th grade commons. This amount will cover about half of the cost listed on the bid.
*SHAC would also like to purchase masks for the elementary school. Beth will contact our school nurse for a specific amount needed and the remainder of the SHAC funds will go towards the drinking water station.
Plan a Wellness Event that would happen in the Fall of 2023
Goal: Plan a Wellness Event that will take place in the Fall of 2023
*Discussion and a decision was made to table this event and devote time into recruiting new members to help promote Wellness in our community, which could include this event. We do not have enough active members on the committee at this time to organize a large event like this.
Status of ELROD
ELROD’s services will end the week before Spring Break, March 24th, in our district.
The district has contracted with Care Solace , an organization that “helps school districts to provide wraparound support for every student, staff member and family member in need.” The district is in the training phase of this transition and counselors and administrators will be trained on the procedures and logistics to connect families with Care Solace. Update on this program will be provided in the future.
Status of the SHAC team
We had a lengthy discussion on the purpose of the SHAC team that was brought up due to our active membership dwindling the past year. The committee has been active since 2011 and has had a positive impact in the area of wellness in this district and community. Has the committee “run its course?” We came to a consensus that there is a need for SHAC and the services and actions it provides.
In our next meeting, SHAC will create an action plan to recruit new members and bring awareness to the community how they can be a part of it.
SHAC will also brainstorm a list of possible activities that can be implemented in the 2023/2024 school year.
NEXT SHAC MEETING: TUESDAY , March 14th at 4:00 in HS Rm 6 and virtually.
February 21, 2023 - Agenda
We hope to see you at the SHAC meeting tomorrow at 4:00 in room 6 at the HS (first hall) or virtually with the google meet link.
To join the video meeting, click this link:
Otherwise, to join by phone, dial +1 513-818-1566 and enter this PIN: 969 921 402#
Agenda ...please let me know of any additions
1. Funding requests-
a. Two possible drinking water stations
b. Masks for elementary age students
2. Plan a Wellness Event to take place in the Fall of 2023?
3. Other
January 17, 2023 - Meeting Minutes
SHAC Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, 1/17/23 at 4:00 pm
Attendance: Nicola Shaddon, Wylda Cafferata, Stephanie Black, Beth McCool, Caleb Salmond, Jim Crist
Funding request update
Goal: Spend SHAC Funds wisely to promote social, mental, and physical wellness.
-$500 was spent on materials for students to construct two additional outside tables. The image attached shows a finished table made last year. The tables are created in the metalshop and woodshop at the high school.
-An earlier request for funds to purchase games and a cart for the elementary school for inside recess time was discussed. The need has changed due to generous donations from families and the Elementary PTO.
Outside Court Update
Goal: Continue to maintain the equipment box for community use in the outside courts.
-A portion of the funds that were approved for the tables will be spent on materials for new benches out on the courts.
-Beth has agreed to continue working on the creation of a sign that will hang by the equipment box.
Evaluate the Wellness Policy update
Goal: Continue evaluation of the District Wellness Policy to recommend modifications. (process that was started last year)
Board policies/AR, in general, were discussed at the last board meeting. It was determined that any changes would need approval and direction from the board.
Jim located a Wellness Policy SEL example for us to discuss (language used).
SHAC recommends to add the statement below to update Pleasant Hill’s Local Wellness Policy:
"Integration of social, emotional and mental health supports into school programs (e.g., promote a positive school climate where respect is encouraged and students can seek help from trusted adults)."
Goals update, SHAC direction… Wellness Event planning?
Goal: Audit drinking water fountains and stations in the district and remedy any issues to ensure there is a cold water drinking station for student access in key areas in both the elementary and high school buildings. Drinking stations for water bottle filling have a positive impact: encourages water consumption and it is positive for the environment “green”.
An audit was conducted:
High School Building: “Good”
There are 7 drinking stations in good condition strategically located for student use around the high school. (The boys locker room is the only place missing one due to vandalism last year).
Elementary Building: “Okay”
There is only one drinking station, in good condition, located in the cafeteria for student use. (There is a new drinking station located in the office for staff that is greatly appreciated and well used, but not for student access/use). Students have access to various types of water fountains and faucets in the classrooms and commons area, but not cold filtered water to fill water bottles they bring to school.
It was proposed to research the cost and possibility to put in a drinking station for student access. There is a location in the 4th/5th grade commons area that is piped and ready to go. Nicola worked with Devery and Jim to have the drinking station put in the building last year and volunteered to work on getting this drink station put in. She will bring us an update at the next meeting.
B. Goal: Plan a Wellness Event that will take place in the Fall of 2024
-Briefly discussed the possibility of an event next Fall. SHAC will devote the next meeting to start planning the event, finding sponsors, organizing/logistics, etc. (Just Fitness connection?)
-Wylda volunteered to write a short article for the district winter newsletter (deadline, Jan. 24th). We brainstormed ideas for content of the article which included our next meeting/planning session for the Wellness Event in the fall.
-Short discussion sharing the support for the Lunch Buddies mentorship program. We are happy that the program is up and running again this year and both the elementary and middle school students have expressed positive comments and have had a positive impact. Check for any needs to support the program.
NEXT SHAC MEETING: TUESDAY , February 21st at 4:00 in HS Rm 6 and virtually.
January 17, 2023 - Agenda
Happy 2023!
We hope to see you at the SHAC meeting tomorrow at 4:00 in room 6 at the HS (first hall) or virtually with the google meet link.
To join the video meeting, click this link:
Otherwise, to join by phone, dial +1 513-818-1566 and enter this PIN: 969 921 402#
Agenda ...please let me know of any additions
1. Funding requests update
2. Outside court update
3. Evaluate the Wellness Policy update
4. Goals update, SHAC direction... Wellness Event planning?
5. Other
November 15, 2022 - Meeting Minutes
SHAC Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, 11/15/22 at 4:00 pm
Attendance: Nicola Shaddon, Paul Kaplan, Wylda Cafferata, Meggan Raschio, Beth McCool, Caleb Salmond, Jim Crist, Marian Stiegeler, Sara Olivas Leister
Marian Stiegeler, ELROD’s Executive Director, and Sara Leister, Operations Director, shared 2021/2022 effectiveness data with us (attached) and how the program has started off this year. ELROD staff are excited about the program’s success in its first year and hope to see the program grow and adapt to the needs of PH students and staff in 2022/2023 school year. Parent/Guardian permission forms for service were included in the registration packets for signature this year. This will help streamline the process for students to be evaluated and be helped with parent notification. Building counselors have begun referring students this school year.
Highlights of a few positive outcomes observed, but not recorded in the data:
Positive overall culture change about seeking help for mental health
Students who participated in the program model healthy coping strategies for their friend groups, who then have been seen using those same strategies, the “ripple effect”
52 out of 62 students successfully completed the program and have not needed further services, to their knowledge, at this time.
Marian invited all to join them on Sunday, Dec. 11th from 2-6pm for a Christmas Party. A fun event for all. Flyers for the event are attached to share with students.
Thank you for sharing this information today!
Funding Request
A request was reported and approved for SHAC to provide funds to purchase more composite boards to complete two more tables and refurbish the two benches in the outside tennis/basketball courts. There is left-over metal from last spring's picnic table purchases to complete the tables. Estimated cost- $500.
A request was reported and approved to move the exercise bike that SHAC purchased previously, to be moved into the weight-room area for use by both students and staff.
The team will research into a cheaper replacement exercise bike and/or other active learning tools for classrooms
Evaluate the Wellness Policy
-Continued discussion about the Wellness Policy and the role SHAC will play in advising/evaluating the policy. It was recommended to table this task until further direction from the PH School Board and a compliant process.
-Thank you for your input on the shared Google doc. to type in questions after viewing the policy/AR . We will use this document later to help guide our discussion/evaluation of the policy. Please continue to add your questions.
Link to Wellness Policy Questions document:
Katie Jensen, PH school nurse, shared a school health update that was discussed briefly, update attached. Thank you!
NEXT SHAC MEETING: TUESDAY , January 17th at 4:00 in HS Rm 6 and virtually. *This will be after Jan. 9th School Board meeting for SHAC direction on the Wellness Policy
November 15, 2022 - Agenda
SHAC Meeting
Tuesday, 11/15 at 4:00 pm
Place: HS Rm 6 or with Google Meet:
Or Join by Phone, dial +1 513-818-1566 and enter this PIN: 969 921 402#
Agenda ...please let me know of any additions
1. Funding request -Beth
2. ELROD update? - Caleb/Marian
3. Evaluate the Wellness Policy
*Please review the Wellness Policy attached and type your questions for modification or clarification on the shared document.
Link to Wellness Policy Questions document:
4. Other
October 11, 2022 - Meeting Minutes
SHAC Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, 10/11/22 at 4:00 pm
Attendance: Kathy Faber, Paul Kaplan, Wylda Cafferata, Meggan Raschio, Beth McCool, Caleb Salmond, Jim Crist
*Shared a quick history about SHAC and a short introduction
1. SHAC 2022/2023 Goals
Reviewed the new goals for the year to finalize. Modified wording on #2.
Continue evaluation of the District Wellness Policy to recommend modifications. (process that was started last year)
*started the process, see minutes below
Monitor and advise on district COVID infection rate and increase awareness and accessibility to COVID supplies, including testing kits and district protocols .
-Committee would like to share information about SHAC in the district newsletter coming out November 1st and add a short district COVID response info section. The district office will send out an email request for newsletter info.
Audit drinking water fountains and stations in the district and remedy any issues to ensure there is a cold water drinking station for student access in key areas in both the elementary and high school buildings.
-Quick discussion on a good starting point would be to check on all of the fountain stations and complete a work order to have maintenance take a look, do they just need the water turned on? SHAC members are willing to help raise funds to have more water filling stations placed in the schools for student use. Beth will go around to each fountain and check on status. Image of the new drinking station put in the Elementary next to the staff lounge last year.
Continue to maintain the equipment box for community use in the outside courts.
-Still working on a sign to be posted up on fence next to the equipment box
Plan a Wellness Event that will take place in the Fall of 2024
*SHAC fund balance: $3000 that can be used to accomplish goals
2. Evaluate the Wellness Policy
-Discussed perimeters around board policies and what can be modified on a policy or an AR. The district office will check to see if our Local Wellness Program EFA-AR has been updated since 2/16.
-After discussion it was decided to create a Google doc. that will be shared to members to type in questions after viewing the policy/AR . We will seek out the department/person who might be able to answer those questions before we meet again on Tuesday Nov. 8th.
*Please review the Wellness Policy attached and type your questions for modification or clarification on the shared document.
Link to Wellness Policy Questions document:
-Elrod has shared some data with the HS. Caleb will help arrange to have a representative from Elrod at our next SHAC meeting to share the data. Thank you!
-Discussion at the beginning of the meeting about Health and PE curriculum and Scope & Sequence materials. The high school has new staff in the building for health/PE instruction. SHAC extended a hand to assist in any needs the staff may have for health instruction. Beth will connect with the health instructors to identify needs and share any materials.
TUESDAY , November 15th at 4:00 in HS RM 6 and virtually
October 11, 2022 - Agenda
SHAC Meeting
Tuesday, 10/11 at 4:00 pm
Place: HS Rm 6 or with Google Meet:
To join the video meeting, click this link
Otherwise, to join by phone, dial +1 513-818-1566 and enter this PIN: 969 921 402#
Please read through the Wellness Policies attached for any changes you would suggest before our meeting. Thank you!
1. SHAC 2022/2023 Goals - quick review for additions or modifications to the goals that the committee came up with last month.
Continue evaluation of the District Wellness Policy to recommend modifications. (process that was started last year)
Increase awareness and accessibility to COVID supplies, including testing kits and district protocols .
Audit drinking water fountains and stations in the district and remedy any issues to ensure there is a cold water drinking station for student access in key areas in both the elementary and high school buildings.
Continue to maintain the equipment box for community use in the outside courts.
Plan a Wellness Event that will take place in the Fall of 2024
2. Evaluate the Wellness Policy
3. Other
September 27, 2022 - Meeting Minutes
SHAC Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, 9/27 at 4:00 pm
Place: HS Rm 6 or with Google Meet:
1. Introductions: Kathy Faber, Paul Kaplan, Wylda Cafferata, Meggan Raschio, Beth McCool, Caleb Salmond, Garth Gerot
2. Develop SHAC 2022/2023 Goals
Goals developed at this meeting…live document at this point that can be modified and added to at our next meeting.
Continue evaluation of the District Wellness Policy to recommend modifications. (process that was started last year)
*Current policies can be found on the district website. I have also attached both the policy and the AR to this email for review before our next meeting.
Increase awareness and accessibility to COVID supplies, including testing kits and district protocols .
Audit drinking water fountains and stations in the district and remedy any issues to ensure there is a cold water drinking station for student access in key areas in both the elementary and high school buildings.
Continue to maintain the equipment box for community use in the outside courts.
Plan a Wellness Event that will take place in the Fall of 2024
Do we want a goal around mental health or Suicide prevention?
*SHAC fund balance: $3000 that can be used to accomplish goals
3. Wellness Award Feedback Form
Completed together. Beth will finalize the form and gather pictures to attach and send in this week. Thank you for the group effort.
(*submitted survey Wednesday and received a "thank you" email reply)
4. ELROD - update
A pause in this service with a new superintendent. Students are now being referred to ELROD. Beth will invite a staff member to join our next meeting to share any information/data from last year on impact/effectiveness of the program and goals for this year.
5. COVID policy update
From Katie- “We are picking up where we left off last year. We are using "please keep ill students out of school" and excluding based on those symptoms. If we are notified of a positive COVID case, students or staff are excluded for 5 days, and recommended to wear a mask for an additional 5 days (as long as fever free for 24 hours and improving cough).”
Volunteers need to go through the application process each year now, which includes proof of vaccination or completion of the opt out form.
-Discussion about COVID test availability, can a parent request a test kit if needed? Ie. a sibling has COVID. How do families know we have this help? How do we get it to them? Can we make it an easy process so more will follow through? How many kits do we have? Will they expire soon?
-In the process of looking into the answers to some of our questions. General protocol (and answers to some of the questions) can be found on the district’s website updates/blueprints https://www.pleasanthill.k12.
-Our district will participate in the Oregon Student Health Survey again this year at the 6th, 8th and 11th grades. This will take place in November and give us some new data to look over and use to develop SHAC goals in the future.
-Kathy mentioned the availability of Suicide prevention grants. Is there a need for these funds for our district? What is the districts plan for Suicide prevention training to students and families? Or more for staff? Reported that the staff participated in a district-wide suicide training before school started this year.
-Care Closet is up and running at both schools. Jami Strinz was hired as our Student Support Advocate, she can reach more families and get the word out to students that free supplies are available. SHAC is hoping she attends future SHAC meetings to share how we can help.
NEXT SHAC MEETING: TUESDAY, OCTOBER 11TH (get back to earlier in the month schedule) A morning meeting time was suggested… 7-7:45am ? Will that work for most of you? Or is 4:00 pm better? Beth will take a poll and find out before sending out meeting agenda.
PH Wellness Policy EFA PH Wellness Policy EFA-AR
September 27, 2022 - Agenda
SHAC Meeting
Tuesday, 9/27 at 4:00 pm
Place: HS Rm 6 or with Google meet:
To join the video meeting, click this link:
Otherwise, to join by phone, dial +1 513-818-1566 and enter this PIN: 969 921 402#
To view more phone numbers, click this link:
1. Introductions
2. Develop SHAC 2022/2023 Goals
(A few ideas ...District Wellness Policy modification, fund spending, Health Curr needs (new staff), etc)
3. Wellness Award Feedback Form
4. ELROD - update
- May 18, 2022 -Meeting Minutes
- May 18, 2022 -Agenda
- April 13, 2022 -Meeting Minutes
- April 13, 2022 -Agenda
- March 16, 2022 -Meeting Minutes
- March 16, 2022 -Agenda
- February 9, 2022 -Meeting Minutes
- February 9, 2022 -Agenda
- January 12, 2022 -Meeting Minutes
- January 12, 2022 -Agenda
- December 8, 2021 -Meeting Minutes
- December 8, 2021 -Agenda
- November 3, 2021 -Meeting Minutes
- November 3, 2021 -Agenda
- October 4, 2021 -Meeting Minutes
- September 20, 2021 -Meeting Minutes
- September 20, 2021 -Agenda
May 18, 2022 -Meeting Minutes
SHAC Meeting 5/18/22
Zoom Meeting Minutes
S-school H-health A-advisory C-committee
Attendance: Paul Kaplan, Kathy Faber, Nicola Shaddon, Wylda Cafferata and Beth McCool
1. Final update on 2021/2022 Spending
Goal 2: Spend SHAC Funds wisely to promote social, mental, and physical wellness.
Final Budget spending for 2021/2022:
3 Picnic Tables for outdoor courtyard/Arboretum
-Steel Tubing for frame $1052.00
-Composite Wood $550.00
Total: $1,685.00
· PPE for PH Staff and Students
-BYD Care Single Surgical Masks (50) - 10@ $9.99 $99.99
-Kirkland Nitrile Exam Gloves (400)- 4@ $38.99 $152
-Clorox Disinfecting wipes (5 pack)- 10@ 16.99 $169.90
Costco Total with fee: $425.76
-Deme Tech Niosh N95 Mask(20) – 4@ $65 $ 260
-Small Niosh N95 Mask (20) - 1@ $65 $65
-Additional kid size masks for elementary $89.94
Total: $414.94
(Satisfactory # of hand sanitizer refill jugs for classrooms)
· Paper cups for the elementary drink station lunchroom $101.46
· Outside Equipment Replacement for outside courts $206.00
· Elementary Drink Station in Hallway contribution *($1500?)
*SHAC offered funds to help cover half of the cost, but they are not needed at this time. The project is not quite finished; any costs not covered will be used from the SHAC fund (“probably not a lot”)
2. Local School Wellness Policy Triennial Assessment
· The majority of our meeting time was spent reviewing the district’s local wellness policy using the Triennial Assessment Tool provided by ODE on the School Nutrition Programs website.
· I have attached the completed assessment document for review. Please review and email and changes to bmccool.
· It was decided to update the district’s Wellness Policy (AR) in the fall when there is more time using our notes and assessment from today. We also would like to look into the possibility of adding a mental health section.
3. Other
Elementary Drink Station – It was reported that the drinking station installation at the elementary is about completed and staff is very excited to have the access to fresh water to fill bottles. The station is located in the staff area. (Good role-modeling) SHAC was hoping students could have access to a drinking station throughout the day in the building…brainstorming ways it could be more effectively used.
Student Suicide Prevention Grant update- preliminary stages to create documents. More trainings and information will be shared in the Fall.
Happy Summer! Thank you for your time and commitment to promote Wellness to our students and community! We will see you in the Fall for our first meeting!
May 18, 2022 -Agenda
Meeting 5/18 Agenda
Join Zoom Meeting or call 1-253-215-8782
Meeting ID: 882 6717 4396
Passcode: 940038
1. Final update on 2021/2022 spending
2. Local School Wellness Policy Triennial Assessment
Sponsors participating in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) and School Breakfast Program (SBP) are required to have a Local School Wellness Policy in place and conduct a triennial assessment. DUE June 30th
We will complete the Wellness Policy Assessment tool attached together and update the Wellness Policy (attached)
3. Student Suicide Prevention grant update
April 13, 2022 -Meeting Minutes
SHAC Meeting 4/13/22
Zoom Meeting
4:00 Zoom Meeting
or call 1-253-215-8782 Meeting ID: 882 6717 4396 Passcode: 940038
Attendance: Paul Kaplan, Darlene Baker, Stacy Paszkiet, Wylda Cafferata and Beth McCool
1. Final update on 2021/2022 Spending
Goal 2: Spend SHAC Funds wisely to promote social, mental, and physical wellness.
Final Budget spending for 2021/2022:
· 3 Picnic Tables for outdoor courtyard/Arboretum
-Steel Tubing for frame $1052.00
-Composite Wood $550.00
Total: $1,685.00
· PPE for PH Staff and Students
-BYD Care Single Surgical Masks (50) - 10@ $9.99 $99.99
-Kirkland Nitrile Exam Gloves (400)- 4@ $38.99 $152
-Clorox Disinfecting wipes (5 pack)- 10@ 16.99 $169.90
Costco Total with fee: $425.76
-Deme Tech Niosh N95 Mask(20) – 4@ $65 $ 260
-Small Niosh N95 Mask (20) - 1@ $65 $65
-Additional kid size masks for elementary $89.94
Total: $414.94
(Satisfactory # of hand sanitizer refill jugs for classrooms)
· Paper cups for the elementary drink station lunchroom $101.46
· Outside Equipment Replacement for outside courts $200.00
(Wellness Award funds: $2,500 plus $1500x 2 years= $5,500)
One-time roll over of the Wellness Award funds for next year: $2,500.00
-Funding requests update:
o We did not get any new funding requests by the PO request due date 4/8/22.
o Install a filtered water bottle filling station in the elementary school hall.
SHAC recommends the installation of the water bottle station due to the positive impact. It encourages water consumption and it is positive for the environment “green”. The high school stations have high use and the staff has seen an increase in water consumption and less need for plastic water bottles (almost disappeared) .
-Note the elementary currently has two drinking stations, one down in the gym and one across in the cafeteria, but none in the main building for teachers and students to fill water bottles during the regular day.
-Nicola reached out to maintenance to inquire the cost of installing one in the hall. Jim Dienstel had a bid drawn up with an ELKAY system installed in the elementary hallway. The cheapest option was using the existing fountain and adding to it, $3250.00. This amount was more than the SHAC had originally discussed, so Nicola did not give the “okay” to move forward at that time.
-If the elementary staff is in favor of the new station, SHAC could help fund for part of it if the school cannot budget for the station for the fall (as the high school has in the halls).
UPDATE SINCE OUR MEETING… the drinking station has been approved for installation and SHAC will contribute half of the cost using the remainder of budget and part of Wellness award funds. (not sure of exact cost at this time)
2. Local School Wellness Policy Triennial Assessment
Waiting to hear back from the Food Service Department if this is something we need to work on.
*The Wellness Policy is attached to the minutes email to have the SHAC team look over it and update if needed. This may get us started in the assessment.
3. Other
Student Suicide Prevention Grant update
-District committee is attending the ASIST Conference/Workshop this week and they will be meeting with Roger Brubaker on Friday to continue working on the Suicide Prevention/Intervention Plan for our district.
-SHAC is looking forward to hearing more about the plan and hope to have an update in our next meeting or in the future.
-Darlene Baker would love to help and offer her professional help with any part of the plan or needs of the committee.
-Health educator, Stacy Paszkiet shared an interest in the ASSIST training (and other teachers may be interested if asked). Is there a possibility that the district could offer the training to a few more of our teachers who are interested, teach Suicide prevention/intervention in their classes and have connections with students??
Next meeting Wednesday, May 18th at 4pm on zoom.
April 13, 2022 -Agenda
SHAC Meeting 4/13/22 Agenda
Join Zoom Meeting or call 1-253-215-8782
Meeting ID: 882 6717 4396
Passcode: 940038
1. Final update on 2021/2022 spending
2. Local School Wellness Policy Triennial Assessment
Sponsors participating in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) and School Breakfast Program (SBP) are required to have a Local School Wellness Policy in place and conduct a triennial assessment. DUE April 29th.
**Please take a look at the Web page link:
Lisa and Julie in Food Service is looking into it today and will get back to us with any information about the assessment and what part SHAC needs to help with.
March 16, 2022 -Meeting Minutes
SHAC Meeting Minutes 03/16/22
Attendance: Paul Kaplan, Kathy Faber, Nicola Shaddon and Beth McCool
1. 2021/2022 SHAC Goals…
*SHAC’s main emphasis this year continues to be to monitor and advise on the management of COVID in the schools and community.
Goal 1: Promote and aid in communication about COVID at the school and district level
- Members shared compliments to the District Office for the weekly newsletters to the parents and community. Informative and helpful in regards to COVID updates and services provided in our area.
Goal 2: Spend SHAC Funds wisely to promote social, mental, and physical wellness.
- SHAC would like to use funds from the grant to help get proper masks into the buildings for staff and students.
Update - Funds Spent:
· Picnic Tables for outdoor courtyard / Arboretum
Steel tubing for frame |
$752.00 |
Composite wood |
$350.00 |
Total: |
$1,102.00 |
· PPE for PH Staff and Students
BYD Care Single Surgical Masks (50) |
10 @ $9.99 |
$99.99 |
Kirkland Nitrile Exam Gloves (400) |
4 @ $38.99 |
$152.00 |
Clorox Disinfecting Wipes (5 pack) |
10 @ $16.99 |
$169.90 |
Costco total with fee: |
$425.76 |
Deme Tech Niosh N95 Masks (20) |
4 @ $65.00 |
$260.00 |
Small Niosh N95 Masks (20) |
1 @ $65.00 |
$65.00 |
Additional kid size masks for Elementary |
$89.94 |
Total: |
$414.94 |
(Satisfactory # of hand sanitizer refill jugs for classrooms)
· Paper cups for the Elementary drink station lunchroom $101.46
(Wellness Award funds: $2,500 plus $1,500 x 2 years = $5,500) Remaining: $3,455.84
A staff email was sent out to inform of the supplies and request for funding needs:
Promoting Staff and Student Wellness with new innovative exciting activities has been a challenge for the SHAC team this year due to the impact of COVID. We are excited to share that we have been able to meet together on zoom each month after last year's "pause" and discuss ways we could help keep our school community healthy, safe and informed this year.
SHAC used some of the funds budgeted by our supportive school board and the Wellness Award Grant to purchase some PPE supplies for staff to use.
Please access these supplies for your use and students to help stay safe and healthy:
Supplies for the elementary:
- Sanitizing wipes are in the cabinet in the break room where they have been in the past.
- Gloves are in the health room.
- Paper masks are in the break room
- N95 masks are in the health room
Supplies for HS: - Sanitizing wipes are in the health room, just ask in the office for one
- Gloves in the health room
- Paper masks are in the health room.
- N95 masks are with Kelly/Noell in the office, please ask
*The N95 masks are not individually wrapped, so to keep them sanitized please just ask for one. We hope they get used. They are the headband style and not ear loops.
In addition to the above, SHAC is asking each of you as staff members to send us any ideas you have for staff or students in regards to promoting wellness and staying healthy this year and into the future. There are funds available to help support activities/supplies/services. We are currently planning our spending for the rest of the school year, please send your ideas on SHAC projects by March 16th for this school year requests to Beth McCool, .
We welcome anyone who would like to join SHAC and/or visit the district website to stay informed,
Take care, SHAC team
Spending guideline update from the DO:
· $1500 district funds need to be spent this year, 2021/2022.
· $1500 will be budgeted for next year, 2022/2023 removing the restriction on services only. Account has been changed to a service & supply spending criteria.
· Wellness Award funds left in the account this year will be rolled over one time into next year due to the impact of COVID
Funding requests: (All PO need to be submitted by April 1st and spent by May 6th)
· Replenish the equipment supplies in the outdoor courts (tennis/basketball) for students and community members to use. (positive impact)- Beth will check on this
· Install a filtered water bottle filling station in the elementary school hall. Positive impact, encouraging water consumption and “green” (they have one down in the gym and one across in the cafeteria, but none in the main building for teachers and students to fill water bottles) – Nicola will reach out to Jim Dienstel and Devery to check on this possibility and cost.
2. Health Curr. Update
- 6th grade will be using the Great Body Shop curr. along with the Glenco Health Textbook to teach the Growth and Reproduction unit this year. We will revisit MyFutureMyChoice curr. next year if there is a change in staffing.
- The PE/Health teachers for 7th/8th grade are doing a terrific job teaching the health units spread out during student PE time. I have heard positive feedback from students, they like it.
3. Student Suicide Prevention Grant Update
- A small task force/committee was formed to meet regularly with Lucina, SW Oregon Student Suicide Prevention and Wellness Coordinator at Lines for Life. They have started to update our current Suicide Plan, create reference documents, plan for implementing a prevention plan, work on coordinating trainings for ASSIST, etc. They are not working on a grant application at this time, due to the greater need of updating our plan.
- SHAC inquired about possible financial needs, posters/supplies, etc…any help? – Beth will check with the committee.
- SHAC has a common goal with this task force group to help prevent suicide and to be proactive. With the heightened concern for our students, SHAC will continue to offer any help or additional work that needs to be done for suicide prevention.
An email was sent out to our district from Jocelyn Warren (Lane Co Public Health Admin, PH parent and SHAC helper). I have attached the 3 good resources she included with the email as well.
Good Afternoon,
We are reaching out to inform all school districts in Lane County of an increase in adolescent suicide deaths in recent months. In response to these events, Lane County Public Health has declared a public health emergency and organized a team of public and behavioral health professionals to coordinate the response with affected communities. Attached to this email you will find resources for students, families and staff that can help your school prevent future suicides and cope with the impact of these recent deaths.
It is important to emphasize that at this time, there is no evidence to suggest that these deaths are linked, i.e., are the result of suicide contagion. Roughly 8-12 (≤24) youth and adolescents die by suicide in Lane County each year. Over the past 5 months, 11 people in this age group from Lane County have died by suicide. These events meet the CDC's definition of a suicide cluster – meaning that there have been an unexpected number of deaths in our region in this timeframe. It is always important to be vigilant.
Background Information
· Suicide is the second leading cause of death among Oregonians aged 10 to 24 years (2019)
· Lane County's suicide rate is consistently 50% greater than the national rate.
· Research demonstrates that suicides tend to decrease during natural disasters such as the COVID-19 pandemic; however, they may increase during the recovery.
· More people die by suicide in spring than other times of the year.
· Numerous behavioral health agencies and medical providers in Lane County have reported increases in suicide attempts and ideation.
While the topic of suicide can be difficult to discuss, talking about suicide is safe, provides people at risk with a sense of relief, and is the first step towards recovery. At this time, we encourage all districts to review their existing suicide prevention materials and the attached resources to ensure student safety and wellbeing. Additional local, state and national resources can be found on the Suicide Prevention Coalition of Lane County's website at Please reach out to Roger Brubaker - Suicide Prevention Coordinator at Lane County Public Health for further information. (541) 515-4768 or
Jocelyn Warren, PhD, MPH
Lane County Public Health Administrator
Talking to Children & Teens about Suicide
4. Other
Nicola and Beth shared how the optional mask wearing was going in both buildings. Reports were positive, students are being respectful to each other about their decisions to wear one or not. It has been nice to see smiling faces and easier to teach. Students are encouraged to keep distancing and hand sanitize.
Next meeting Wednesday, April 13th at 4pm on Zoom.
March 16, 2022 -Agenda
SHAC Meeting 03/16/22 Agenda
Join Zoom Meeting or Call 1-253-215-8782
Meeting ID: 882 6717 4396
Passcode: 940038
- Finalize fund spending
- Health Curr update
- Other
February 9, 2022 -Meeting Minutes
SHAC Meeting Minutes 02/09/22
Attendance: Paul Kaplan, Wylda Cafferata, Stephanie Black, Kathy Faber and Beth McCool
- 2021/2022 SHAC Goals...
SHAC's main emphasis this year continues to be to monitor and advise on the management of COVID in the schools and community.
Goal 1: Promote and aid in communication about COVID at the school and district level
- Members share compliments to the District Office for the weekly newsletter to the parents and community. Informative and helpful in regards to COVID updates and services provided in our area.
Goal 2: Spend SHAC Funds wisely to promote social, mental and physical wellness.
- SHAC would like to use funds from the grant to help get proper masks into the buildings for staff and students.
Update - Funds Spent:
· Picnic Tables for outdoor courtyard / Arboretum
Steel tubing for frame |
$752.00 |
Composite wood |
$350.00 |
Total: |
$1,102.00 |
· PPE for PH Staff and Students
BYD Care Single Surgical Masks (50) |
10 @ $9.99 |
$99.99 |
Kirkland Nitrile Exam Gloves (400) |
4 @ $38.99 |
$155.96 |
Clorox Disinfecting Wipes (5-pack) |
10 @ $16.99 |
$169.90 |
Total: |
$425.76 |
Deme Tech Niosh N95 Masks (20) |
4 @ $65.00 |
$260.00 |
Small Niosh N95 Mask (20) |
1 @ $65.00 |
$65.00 |
Total: |
$325.00 |
(Satisfactory # of hand sanitizer refill jugs for classrooms)
(Wellness Award funds: $2,500 plus $1,500 x 2 years = $5,500) Remaining: $3,647.24
Funding Request: A request for paper cups at the Elementary drink station during lunch was approved and ordered with a P.O. for six 9oz cold disposable cup packages (360 ct) for a total of approximately $100 (cost may have changed when order was placed)
Distribution of PPE Supplies Plan: Katie Jensen, our school nurse, unpacked and put away all materials that came in for use.
Message from Katie: Supplies for the Elementary - Sanitizing wipes are in the cabinet in the break room where they have been in the past. Gloves are in the health room. N95 masks are in the health room.
For HS: Sanitizing wipes are in the health room as well as gloves. The paper masks are in the health room. The N95 masks I gave to Kelly and Noell to put by their desk.
The N95 masks are not individually wrapped. I would be concerned if they were left in a break room t hey would disappear very quickly (there are 40 in each location, plus the 20 smalls that I have at elementary right now). They also may be contaminated by multiple people reaching into the box. For these, I think it would be best for them to be given out when asked for. (I can give them out here at elementary and Noell and Kelly can at the HS). Also, would be worth mentioning they attach via headband style, and not ear loops.
For the wipes, elementary can take them as needed (they have had access to wipes all year, we are now stocked up!). For HS, there are not enough wipes for all classrooms. So again, I feel it might be best for teachers who want one to come ask Kelly and Noell for one. I think the wipes will go quickly, especially at the HS.
The paper masks can be used by anyone and these could go in the break room.
A staff email will be sent out at both schools to share where supplies can be accessed and to get feedback of other needs, including purchasing more N95 if needed.
Spending guideline update from the DO:
$1,500 district funds need to be spent this year, 2021/2022.
$1,500 will be budgeted for next year, 2022/2023 removing the restriction on services only. Account has been changed to a service & supply spending criteria.
Wellness Award funds left in the account this year will be rolled over on time into next year due to the impact of COVID
2. Other
Next meeting Wednesday, March 16th at 4pm on Zoom.
February 9, 2022 -Agenda
SHAC Meeting 2/09/22 Agenda
Join Zoom Meeting or Call 1-253-215-8782
Meeting ID: 882 6717 4396
Passcode: 940038
- Update fund spending and build on a plan for SHAC Goal #2... how can we positively impact the health and wellness of PH students and community with the funds granted to us?
Goal 2: Spend SHAC Funds wisely to promote social, mental, and physical wellness.
- Other
January 12, 2022 -Meeting Minutes
SHAC Zoom Meeting Minutes
Attendance: Paul Kaplan, Wylda Cafferata, and Beth McCool
- 2021/2022 SHAC Goals…
*SHAC’s main emphasis this year continues to be to monitor and advise on the management of COVID in the schools and community.
Goal 1: Promote and aid in communication about COVID at the school and district level
-District Newsletters continue to be informational and up-to-date, Thank you DO!
Goal 2: Spend SHAC Funds wisely to promote social, mental, and physical wellness.
-SHAC would like to use funds from the grant to help get proper masks into the buildings for staff and students.
-Purchase 100 N95/KN95 masks for staff – Paul will research and send info to Beth for PO
-Purchase more surgical masks for students if there is a need- Beth will check if needed-Investigate the possibility of purchasing COVID antigen tests for the district ( was shared as a possible resource)
-Investigate if there is a need for hand sanitizer refill jugs in the buildings
-Inquire other needs teachers/staff may have in regards to safety/covid
-Send out an email to staff inquiring needs
-Picnic tables: No new update since December meeting. The picnic table costs for the Discovery Arboretum of $1224 was approved at our last meeting. The first purchase for steel tubing at $752 (discounted) was made. The composite wood has not been purchased; it may go over budget a bit.
- Other
-Clarified with Scott Linenberger and Randy Fisher that SHAC is not the acting High School Site Council and we will continue to focus on promoting and aiding positive health and wellness in our district and community.
Next meeting Wednesday, February 9th at 4pm on Zoom.
January 12, 2022 -Agenda
SHAC Meeting 1/12/22 Agenda
Join Zoom Meeting or call 1-253-215-8782
Meeting ID: 882 6717 4396
Passcode: 940038
- Create and administer a plan for SHAC Goal #2... how can we positively impact the health and wellness of PH students and community with the funds granted to us?
Goal 2: Spend SHAC Funds wisely to promote social, mental, and physical wellness.
- Other
December 8, 2021 -Meeting Minutes
S-school H-health A-advisory C-committee
Zoom meeting Attendance: Paul Kaplan, Wylda Cafferata, Stacy Paszkiet, Stephanie Black and Beth McCool
- Quick Meet & Greet with Stephanie Black, the new elementary school counselor
After introductions, Stephanie shared that she is getting to know students at the elementary and teaching the Second Step Program (social-emotional learning base) in every classroom. We discussed past programs that were successful in the district that we might reactivate, Lunch Buddies and the Mentorship Program. Protocols with COVID may change the look of these programs, but could have the same value and impact.
- SHAC’s role as Site Council for the HS
SHAC was advised to continue to serve as the district’s wellness committee and promote wellness in our schools and community. The HS will create or do something different for the Site Council. Members of this committee do not want to serve on a Site Council, but are willing to help for the remainder of the year if needed. Wylda will check on the requirements for a Site Council and see if there is a need for this committee to serve as the Site Council through June until a new Principal is hired.
- 2021/2022 SHAC Goals…
Goal 1: Promote and aid in communication about COVID at the school and district level
Reviewed changes to the district website…great job at the district level making the COVID-19 Resources easy to find under Updates. The tabs under Updates are clear and easy to access with good info.
SHAC team also wanted to say thank you for updating the SHAC tab under Committees, it is clear and easy to locate and find the information. Thank you for always posting the minutes.
Committee will continue to monitor as needed.
Goal 2: Spend SHAC Funds wisely to promote social, mental, and physical wellness.
-The picnic table costs for the Discovery Arboretum in the amount of $1224 was approved at our last meeting. The first purchase for steel tubing at $752 (discounted) was made. The composite wood has not been purchased; it may go over budget a bit.
-Discussion on how to inform district staff that there are funds available that can be spent on health related activities. An email will be drafted to send out after the next meeting in January to staff sharing this information with a deadline in March.
Still opened to ideas on how to structure and spend funds wisely.
- Other
On account of the school shooting last week, a discussion was started around our current safety protocols in our schools, concealed weapon district policy and the needs or ways the committee could help in this area.
Next meeting Wednesday, January. 12th at 4pm on Zoom
December 8, 2021 -Agenda
Join Zoom Meeting or call 1-253-215-8782
Meeting ID: 882 6717 4396
Passcode: 940038
- Quick Meet & Greet with Stephanie Black, the new elementary school counselor
- SHAC's role as Site Council for the HS
- 2021/2022 SHAC Goals…
Goal 2: Spend SHAC Funds wisely to promote social, mental, and physical wellness. Discussion and create a plan.
- Other
November 3, 2021 -Meeting Minutes
S-school H-health A-advisory C-committee
Join Zoom Meeting
or call 1-253-215-8782 Meeting ID: 882 6717 4396 Passcode: 940038
Attendance: Paul Kaplan, Wylda Cafferata, Kathy Faber, Scott Linenberger, Cheryl Ruiz, Marian Stiegeler, David Mort and Beth McCool
- ElRod Update and needs: Marian and David joined us to share updated information on the kick-off of the program and address a few questions. Thank you for your time!
The ElRod program staff had a prior relationship with PH district and a smaller-scale program was discussed pre-covid of piloting in our district to reach more students, especially k-5, with play therapy and help with situational crisis. Funds became available (post-covid 18 month distance) to establish a bigger program to reach k-12 students in the schools. (ElRod program info was shared in our first meeting and can be found on their website:
Elrod staff met with school counselors to coordinate service logistics and share ideas of how to refer students and get information out. One outcome of that meeting was the creation of an informational flyer to increase awareness of the program, which includes a QR code to the Elrod website.
Thirteen students have been referred to the program in its beginning.
Quarterly data will be shared with the board (and SHAC can review to use the data as well): # of students seen, # of students referred, # of sessions attended (to start off with).
ElRod is striving for program transparency and open communication without violating privacy. A shared document calendar was created with administration and school counselors’ access.
ElRod staff will get back to the SHAC team with any needs. Feedback is welcomed.
- Update on District Website Communication for COVID-19 Info
We viewed and discussed the District website together and appreciate all the updates with a new Covid19 resource tab under updates. The page is clear with good resources. Thank you Hayley Robinette!
Question: could the Covid19 tab be moved to the District Home Page for right now during the pandemic and could we add a tab on the covid19 page for an infographic that is just about covid 19 symptoms and when you should go get tested? Refer to link for testing opportunities. ?? Beth will check with Hayley.
The District website is a work in progress and it is looking great! Thank you! Nice job sharing covid19 info on the weekly email info flyer as well!
Members of the committee are receiving the weekly district emails and updates.
3. SHAC Funds
Approved Funds for 2 picnic table supplies: $1,224.00. Angela White is requesting funds for a few picnic tables for the Discovery Arboretum. Spending time outdoors in a woodland setting promotes healthy emotional health. The arboretum is planned for extensive student use and some community use as well.
Materials estimate direct from suppliers, they will be built by students
Cost per table
4 each 1/8 x 2"x2" x20' metal tube $103 ea $ 412
5 each 1" x 6 x 12' Composite decking for bench and table tops $ 30 each $ 150
Misc Hardware screws and paint $ 50
Cost per table $612
4. 2021/2022 SHAC Goals…
Goal 1: Promote and aid in communication about COVID at the school and district level (reword? Discussed at last meeting)
Goal 2: Spend SHAC Funds wisely to promote social, mental, and physical wellness.
SHAC team would like to devote our next meeting to Goal #2
5. Other
Add to our agenda for the next meeting: SHAC role as Site Council for the HS and what that involves.
Next meeting Wednesday, Dec. 8th at 4pm on Zoom
November 3, 2021 -Agenda
SHAC Meeting 11/03/21
Zoom Meeting (change in style hoping more people can join us for our meetings, even if it is for part of the meeting or on your phone at work ☺)
Join Zoom Meeting
or call 1-253-215-8782 Meeting ID: 882 6717 4396 Passcode: 940038
- ElRod Update and needs…
- Update on District Website Communication for COVID-19 Info
Weekly district email updates?
- SHAC Funds
Angela White is requesting funds for a few picnic tables for the Discovery Arboretum. Spending time outdoors in a woodland setting promotes healthy emotional health. The arboretum is planned for extensive student use and some community use as well. (Similar to our tennis/basketball courts and exercise equipment by the track)
Materials estimate direct from suppliers, they will be built by students
Cost per table
4 each 1/8 x 2"x2" x20' metal tube $103 ea $ 412
5 each 1" x 6 x 12' Composite decking for bench and table tops $ 30 each $ 150
Misc Hardware screws and paint $ 50
Cost per table $612
- 2021/2022 SHAC Goals…
Goal 1: Promote and aid in communication about COVID at the school and district level (reword? Discussed at last meeting)
Goal 2: Spend SHAC Funds wisely to promote social, mental, and physical wellness. (reword?)
Goal 3: …
October 4, 2021 -Meeting Minutes
S-school H-health A-advisory C-committee
Attendance: Paul Kaplan, Wylda Cafferata, Kathy Faber and Beth McCool
1. Update on District Website Communication for COVID-19 Info
Kathy and Paul worked on a proposed list of information that could be added to the District website on a COVID-19 tab, something easier to quickly access and find. This also included an updated infographic sheet from 4J about when you should keep your student home /symptoms of COVID etc. It was suggested to use that info and modify for PHill. The proposed list of info was passed onto Scott to look over.
Beth has agreed to check-in on the status of that information to see how we can help and move forward with this request. (what is approved or not)
2. SHAC Funds
Clarification from Sheri from the DO:
SHAC DO budget: $3000 (one year increase due to COVID last year) . Funds must be used this year and it falls under the object #389 Service- Non-instructional Professional and Technical. We can request a change if this does not fit the use of the funds.
Wellness Award funds: $2500 funds to be used this year and falls under #410 Supplies
3. MS and HS Health Curr alignment update
Health teachers met to align the health curriculum at this level. All standards/content is covered except Growth and Reproduction at the 6th grade level. There is a request for training in this area for 6th and 7th grade. Beth will look into possible trainings and curriculum.
4. Oregon Student Health Survey result summary
Discussion points around the survey data:
· Small participation (especially 11th grade), small sample size this year
· Students took the survey online from a distance
· No state data to compare our results with (small sampling in other districts so they left off??)
· A few red flags: Higher % in Self Harm and Suicide Ideation categories and alcohol use at the 11th grade. Other areas looked “normal” or healthy, but hard to tell with no state data to compare and small sampling.
5. 2021/2022 SHAC Goals…
Agreed that communication about COVID at the school and district level will be on our agenda to help with. Other discussion was tabled for our next meeting.
6. Other
Brief discussion…curious about the process of choosing the Elrod Program for our district and how the annual evaluation of the program will proceed??
♦Next SHAC meeting TBA, what day of the week works best for you? We would like to meet again the first week of November. Please check your calendars and let me know.
September 20, 2021 -Meeting Minutes
S-school H-health A-advisory C-committee
Attendance: Beth McCool, Paul Kaplan, Wylda Cafferata, Jolene Hill, Devery Stoneberg, Kathy Faber, David Mort and Marian Stiegeler
1. Introductions
Thank you to everyone for your time!
2. Overview of the ELRod Center- Marian and David
Both Marian and David shared information about the new program that the ELRod Center has developed for kids K-12 in partnership with the Pleasant Hill School District. The program uses evidenced based practices to assist with mental illness and emotional intelligence.
The program has four major goals: prevention and eliminating barriers to services for students, model and practice healthy coping strategies (situational crisis), teach skills to help in the future; increasing emotional intelligence, and prove efficacy of the program to reach out to other school districts in the future. The program is currently using PH Community Center for their offices and have trained staff that work with students that have been recommended by the school counselor or building principal.
Both David and Marian shared an interest in attending SHAC meetings in the future for updates and feedback from the committee.
3. 2021/2022 SHAC Goals…
The committee started brainstorming ideas for our goals for the 21/22 school year. Questions raised and/or information needed to help develop the goals …
-Is there a time limit for use of the $2500 Wellness Award money?
-What are the parameters for the district fund use, $1500?
-What is the function of the SHAC team? Define our purpose. How can SHAC help?
-How can communication between the school, SHAC, community be improved?
-What can we learn from the data collected in the 2020 Oregon Student Health Survey?
Beth has agreed to research info about the fund use and the Oregon Student Health Survey reports have been attached to this email to look over before our next meeting.
4. Other
-There was discussion about the lack of communication to community members what was happening in the schools around COVID. Members that did not have students in the schools could not share or speak to what PHSD was doing to help protect our students when asked as a member on a health committee for our district. Frustrated over that situation and even the purpose of the SHAC team. This is something the committee would like to address in our next meeting. Members not on the regular community email list were added to help keep them in the loop in the future.
-There was a quick discussion on the need for Health curriculum review at the middle level. There is a strong need for trainings and updated curriculum in the middle school levels due to new staff and virtual learning the past two years, especially in the Growth and Reproduction content. This will be on the agenda for our next meeting in October.
5.We ended with a fun photo shot… Good job on the Wellness Award! Thank you for your commitment, time and work on SHAC!
♦Next SHAC meeting will be Monday, October 4th at 4pm in the Courtyard by room 6 Please mark your calendars! ☺
September 20, 2021 -Agenda
SHAC (School Health Advisory Committee) Meeting
Date: 9/20/21
Time: 4:00pm - 5:30pm
Location: High School Courtyard; outside of Room 6
- Introductions
- Quick summary of 2020-2021 accomplishments
- Overview of the ELRod Center (new prevention program to assist with mental illness for PH students)- Marian Stiegeler
- 2021/2022 Goals... the role of SHAC during COVID times
- Other
- Set next meeting date and close with a picture outside together with the banner
June 7, 2021
Happy Summer! ☼ (almost :) )
I wanted to let you know that we will be taking a picture and celebrating our School Wellness Award in the Fall at our first SHAC meeting. I hope to meet in person in September after school gets started. I will send out an email in August to check on dates so we can get started for the new school year.
I look forward to our first meeting in the fall and I hope you have a wonderful, healthy Summer with family and friends!
I leave you with a few email notes from the committee who read over our application:
"The applications submitted all demonstrated exemplary implementation of school wellness policies but Pleasant Hill High School went beyond the requirements and demonstrated that your school is making a difference for Oregon students and helping to prepare students to make life-long healthy food and physical activity choices.
Pleasant Hill High School serves as an example for the entire state and you should be very proud of your efforts. I hope you continue to demonstrate innovation and creativity in implementing components of health and wellness in the future. "
-Michelle Lincoln ODE Office of Child Nutrition
"Congratulations on receiving one of the 2021 School Wellness Awards! The wellness work at Pleasant Hill High School is outstanding and serves as an example for the entire state.
Please share this accomplishment with your school community and celebrate this honor through press releases to local publications, social media, newsletters for staff and families, etc. The Oregon Department of Education and the Oregon Dairy and Nutrition Council will also be sharing your work through their channels. If you have any photos, quotes or additional successes you would like us to share in our networks, please send them. Also, if you would like to collaborate on a short video to post, please let me know. This could be a new way of highlighting your work since in previous years, schools held school-wide assemblies for recognition. The award plaque, a banner and a check for $2,500 will each be sent... Again, congratulations! Your innovation and creativity will help improve student and staff health and well-being now as well as in the future."
-Crista Hawkins Director of Youth Wellness, Oregon Dairy and Nutrition Council
May 11, 2021
I received a phone call yesterday afternoon that our district was awarded the ODE Wellness Award!! The committee was impressed with what SHAC and our district have been doing to help promote wellness preCOVID and this past year at a distance, especially around mental health and nutrition. The committee highlighted the use of outside equipment provided for students and community members, the connection/check-in our food staff provided when handing out food, outside workouts for students by volunteer coach time, Friday Fun Day Zooms, bringing in the service dogs for students and having a SHAC team. Good job everyone!!
They are mailing our check, $2500, a banner and a plaque/trophy today. The funds do not come with strict guidelines or paperwork needed in return when spending the money, just that SHAC continues to promote wellness for students and the community with the funds. They have asked us to send a picture of the SHAC team with the banner (and any other images) to celebrate with us on their social media sites. I will send out another email when we receive the items to set up a quick outside picture together ☺
It will be exciting to start off in the fall planning the use of these funds.☺
Thank you again!
April 28, 2021
I hope our SHAC team is happy and well!
I wanted to send a quick update...
- 2020 Oregon Student Health Surveys have been administered and completed. We will have the opportunity to review the data together (hopefully) in the Fall. We had a smaller participation group this year due to distant learning when they were given, but positive feedback from staff and students.
- School Wellness Award application was submitted in January and we continue to wait for the results.
- Wylda Cafferata reported SHAC update information to the school board on our behalf this month. She also requested SHAC funds be included in the budget in the upcoming school year 2021-22. Policy did not allow us to "roll over" our funds from this year into next year, but we were encouraged to hear that SHAC would be included in the budget again next year. Thank you Wylda for your advocacy and volunteering as our spokes person!
- Sue Doe was able to put the equipment out that SHAC purchased last year for the outside basketball/tennis courts at the High School. We had to wait for the "okay" to set them out due to the pandemic. I have attached a few pictures ☺. Thank you Sue!!
January 6, 2021
- 2020 Oregon Student Health Survey extended the dates into Spring of 2021, so we moved administration dates to March 1st-April 2nd hoping we could deliver the survey in-person at the school. I attended a webinar for both remote administration and in-person administration to be on the safe side.
- Health Curriculum continues to be taught at all grades with the Elementary using The Great Body Shop and MS/HS using the online curr. Shmoop.
- PH Staff attended a second Suicide Prevention Training last Monday with good resources. (addressed all age levels)
- School Wellness Award: We received an email reply on our application that I have copied below. Lisa Jones emailed and talked to Michelle Lincoln on the phone to get clarification on the issue with the menu for future reference (and she has to submit menus for other grants with FFA, etc so she wanted to make sure we were in compliance. Our school lunch program was recently audited and passed with flying colors, so we were confused on the denial).
Hello Beth,
I hope you, your family, and your school community have been doing well during these challenging times. We are starting the work of revisiting the School Wellness Awards from earlier this year. We want to take a minute to thank you for your submission. We don't usually receive many high school applications so we were excited to receive yours. Also, we would like to express how encouraging it was to read about the outstanding work your high school is doing to emphasize wellness.
Here are some points the committee was impressed with:
- Well-rounded application: SEL, mental health, physical activity
- Elementary/primary running club to increase track participation/inclusion
- Sustainability focus, school board monitoring
- Review of Health Ed curriculum for inclusion of vaping education
Unfortunately, we regret to inform you that due to the fact that the submitted menu planner was incomplete, we were not able to consider your application further for the award. That being said, in light of the current challenges schools are facing, we will not be requiring the menu planner as part of this year's application. We highly encourage you to apply when the application becomes available. We cannot thank you enough for all the amazing work you are doing and we appreciate your wellness efforts. If you have any other questions or need assistance, please feel free to contact me.
Have a wonderful day!
Oregon achieves . . . together!
Michelle Lincoln , Administrative Assistant
Office of Child Nutrition, Research, Accountability,
Fingerprinting, and Transportation
Work 503-947-5889 | Cell 503-510-7402 |
We received an email response regarding the menu from Michelle Lincoln:
My apologies for not getting back to you sooner. I have reached out to the Specialist who originally reviewed them and I'm waiting to hear back.
The good news... This year we will not be requiring the menu productions records as part of the required documentation. The application has also been updated to reflect our current circumstances. We hope this will create an opportunity for schools to highlight some of the amazing work they have been doing amid all the changes we have faced this year.
We will be hosting a webinar on this Thursday at 2:00 with an overview of the application process, the changes, and have time for Q&A from potential applicants. If you would like to attend, here is the registration link.
Thursday, January 7, 2021 - 2:00PM- 2:30PM
As soon as I hear back regarding your initial inquiry I will let you know.
My question to the SHAC team is do we want to apply again this year? Lisa and I have agreed to attend the webinar tomorrow to see what is involved and we will get back to you with more information.
Please be thinking about the grant possibility and how SHAC can play a role in our community at this time. Maybe everyone is overwhelmed and have a lot on your plate right now as it is? No response to the email I sent back in October was a good indicator, totally understand. ☺
Looking forward to hearing back from you with any ideas of how SHAC could help or even "this is too much for me right now" to get a measure of how everyone is feeling right now.
Thank you again for your help and commitment to WELLNESS!
October 21, 2021
- Our district will be participating in the 2020 Oregon Student Health Survey this year in grades 6th, 8th, and 11th. This survey will replace our past surveys by combining the Oregon Wellness Survey and Oregon Healthy Teen Survey. It looks great and I'm glad there will only be one survey now, a little harder to compare data the first couple of years, but we will figure it out. The survey window for our school is the end of February thru middle of March and a parent letter will be sent home.
- Students are participating in Health classes online. Grade 7 and 8 are using SHMOOP curr. program in their PE classes and 6th grade is using our newer text book curr we have used in the past, in PE as well. Upper grades have their Health 1 and 2 as usual. Checking in with staff at the Elementary level at this time for health update...
- Staff is meeting regularly in teams to address student needs outside of academics (and academic, of course) to discuss what can be done to help connect with the student and their families. A big emphasis weekly of how we can help students that are struggling (type of CARE Team meetings per grade level after Admin and Counselors have met as well)
- HS Staff all participated in a workshop to review information from selected staff who attended the ASIST Suicide Prevention Training this year. Grace L'Orange is working with Devery to have a training with Elementary staff soon. They are working on adapting things to the elementary population, especially the younger ones.
- Email was sent to Michelle Lincoln at ODE who was in charge of the School Wellness Award Application we submitted last Fall. Waiting to hear back on the status of the process now that the review and announcement of the funds were disrupted last March.